End of Term raffle!!
Please see Fiona if you'd like to be part of arranging a raffle for the end of term in July.
Saturday's Table Top sale raised a fantastic ...
Thanks to everyone who contributed to making it such a fantastic day.
Final Planning Meeting for Table Top Sale.
On Thursday 28th April, we will be holding the final planning meeting for the Table Top sale at 9:10am. All welcome.
Thanks to Friends of St Luke's volunteers - 20/4/16.
Thanks to some of our 'Friends of St Luke's' parents who have been drumming up support for our fundraising.
As a result, the LSO have donated some concert tickets for us to raffle, a company called 'Flexiform' are going to hold a raffle for us and a sporting company are going to help us with some fundraising as well. Hopefully, there will be more to come!
This is fantastic and greatly appreciated. Please contact the office if you'd like to get involved.
Table Top Sale - Saturday 7th May - 12 - 4pm in St Luke's School.
Please sign up at the office, or in the playground, if you would like to hire a table stall for £10 for the day.
The school will put on a tea, coffee and refreshment stall - all other stalls welcome. Books, clothes, bric-a-brac, or even a mix of things! It's up to you - you pay for the space and keep all proceeds.
If you don't want to run a stall, come along and see what you'd like to buy! Profits from table hire and school stalls will go to the astro-turf and playground fund.
Deadline for signing up for a stall - 22nd April.
Spell-a-thon fundraising total -
What an amazing effort from all involved - well done. Certificates to be given out for children involved in the Prizegiving assembly of Thursday 24th March at 9:15am
Welcome to the 'Friends of St Luke's' page.
This is where we will keep you posted on developments and ideas from the 'Friends of St Luke's' group. Anyone is welcome to come along and be part of things. Our current focus is fundraising for Astroturf in the Junior Pitch, something the children have been asking about for many years.
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