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Activity 1                                                                                                This half term we will be learning about Hinduism.

Have a think and write down what you already know about Hinduism.






Family is very important to many Hindus.  They believe that each member of the family has a part or role to play.  Think about your own family and the different roles each member has.

Next, draw round your hand and label it with the different people in your family and what they do for you or how they help you.  You could think about grandparents, parents, step-parents, older brothers and sisters, younger brothers and sisters. I’ve started one to give you an idea.

Activity 2 - What Can We Learn From Hindu Values?

Start by reading these slides to remind yourself about Hinduism. Click on the slides to stop them.

Last week, we learnt that many Hindus think that family responsibilities and the different part each member of a family plays are very important.  This week, we are going to learn more about Hindu values.  Values are ideas and ways of behaving that help you live your life.  At St Luke’s, our values are based on these two Bible verses.

‘Seek and you will find’ (Luke 11:19) and ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ (Luke10:27)

Our values help us to know how to act and behave in different situations. 


Here are the main values of Hinduism (click on the slide to stop it).

For many Hindus what you do and the actions you take in your life show your values and beliefs.   

Now, copy the worksheet below and write or draw the actions you could take or things you would do if you shared these Hindu values.

PDF Document of the Hindu Values worksheet to print off.


Now, think about your own values.

Write down the values that help you decide how to act and do the right thing in different situations.


Activity 3

What is Karma and How Does it Affect the Life of a Hindu?


Read the slides below to learn more about what Karma means for Hindus.  Remember you can click on the slide show to stop it.
Watch this clip where two children explain their Hindu belief in Karma and Reincarnation.  In the clip, a Hindu priest explains what he does after someone dies.

Now you are going to draw the Hindu cycle of rebirth.

Choose five important stages in life.  You could choose from the following:  being a baby, going to school or being a child, being a teenager, being an adult, getting a job, getting married, becoming a parent, getting old, dying, Moksha (one with God).


On a piece of plain paper, draw a picture for each stage, with an arrow going round to the next stage, in a circle, like the one below.

Remember to include an arrow going to Moksha!

At each stage, write an example of an action you could take that would bring you good Karma. Use the sheet below, or, even better, draw your own!

PDF Document of the good Karma worksheets to print off, if needed.


What do you think about the Hindu concept of Karma?  How might it help a Hindu live their life?

Write down your thoughts.  You can print off the PDF below if needed.

Activity 4 

Is A Mandir Just a Place to Pray?

This week, we are going to learn about how and where Hindus worship.  Click on the slides below to find out more.

Remember you can click on the slide to pause the slide show.

Now, watch this BBC Bitesize clip where a Hindu brother and sister explain more about what it is like inside a Hindu temple or Mandir.

In the clip, Vraj rings a bell to awaken God or Brahman when he enters the Mandir, then bows and prays to the statues ask for help or to thank them. His family mainly worships Shiv or Shiva, the creator, but he can ask other gods if he needs particular help. For example, he might ask the monkey god Hanuman for strength, or Ganesh the elephant god for intelligence.

Now, look at the Hindu gods and goddesses below, and chose one that most appeals to you. 


You can print out a PDF of the gods and goddesses below.

When you have chosen your favourite  god or goddess, draw them on the sheet below, explain what they do and give your reasons for choosing them.  Remember to make your drawing fill the space.

You can copy the sheet below or print out the PDF.

Finally, think about what you have learnt this week and write your reflection.  You can copy the sheet below, or print off the PDF.

Activity 5

Why is Pilgrimage Important to Many Hindus?

What do you think the word ‘pilgrimage’ means?  Write down your ideas.

Now, look at the pictures below and write down what you think is happening, giving reasons.

Now, read the slides below to find out more about pilgrimage.

Now, watch this clip.  In the clip, young Hindus explain why going on pilgrimage means so much to them.  In the clip we hear about the Hindu tradition of pilgrimage, which means making a journey to a holy place in order to feel closer to god.

14-year-old British girl Simran and her friends describe their own spiritual and emotional experiences on pilgrimage, saying it made them grateful to god, and increased their spiritual awareness and compassion for others.


Now, imagine you have gone on a pilgrimage.  Write a letter home describing what it is like to be on pilgrimage.  What can you see?  What can you smell?  What can you hear?  What can you taste?  What can you touch?  How do you feel?  Excited?  Happy?

Remember to

1.Write the date at the top right had corner.

2. Begin your letter Dear __________________________,

3. Start a new line.

4. Write your letter.

5. Start a new line and finish your letter with ‘love from’ and sign your name.

Copy the letter above or your can print off a PDF version here, if needed.


What do you think is the most important reason for going on pilgrimage?

Read the statements below, then copy them out and number them in order of importance.


To remember special people (saints).

To fix the mind on god and glorify him.

For spiritual development and to gain spiritual merit

For purification and atonement of sins.

For meeting and taking guidance from holy people.

To perform specific religious rites.

For self-reflection and contemplation.

For an up-lifting and memorable experience (spiritual inspiration).

Or, you can print out the PDF worksheet below.