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Week commencing 4th May

Activity 1

Warm-up: Times tables rockstars. www.ttrockstars.com/


5 – a – day           Do what you can – ask an adult for help if you get stuck.


       1) 6785 + 8913  =                               2) 1254 – 787 =


       3) 4 x 8 =                                            4) 32 ÷  8 =


5) See picture below 

Let’s continue, today we will look at Whiterose Maths - Week 2 - Lesson 1 – Fractions on a number line. Watch the video and complete the answer booklet. (Link below)

Activity 2

Warm-up: Times tables rockstars. www.ttrockstars.com/


5 – a – day        Do what you can – ask an adult for help if you get stuck.


       1) 8985 + 2988  =                              2) 8054 – 6561 =


       3) 3 x 7 =                                            4) 54 ÷  9 =


5) “The missing numbers for this number sentence could be the same number.”


15 + ___ =  25 - ___


What do you think?    Convince me!


EXT: What other solutions can you find?


Let’s continue, today we will look at Whiterose Maths - Week 2 - Lesson 3 – Fractions of a set of objects (1). Watch the video and complete the answer booklet. (Link below)


Activity 3

Warm -up: Times tables rockstars. www.ttrockstars.com/


5 – a – day         Do what you can – ask an adult for help if you get stuck.


       1) 6785 + 8913  =                                  2) 1254 – 787 =


       3) 4 x 8 =                                            4) 32 ÷  8 =


5) “The number 26 will not be in the sequence below.”


…52, 48, 44, 40, 36…


What do you think?    Convince me!


Let’s continue, today we will look at Whiterose Maths - Week 2 - Lesson 3 – Fractions of a set of objects (2). Watch the video and complete the answer booklet. (Link below)



Activity 4

Warm-up: Times tables rockstars. www.ttrockstars.com/


5 – a – day         Do what you can – ask an adult for help if you get stuck.


       1) 8888 + 6524  =                                 2) 6854 – 7872 =


       3) 6 x 5 =                                            4) 18 ÷  6 =


5) “The missing number for the number sentence below

       must be greater than 50.”


____ ÷ 5 = 15


What do you think?    Convince me!


Let’s continue, today we will look at Whiterose Maths - Week 2 - Lesson 4 – Fractions of a set of objects (3). Watch the video and complete the answer booklet. (Link below)