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Week commencing 11th May

Our Class Book!

This week, we are continuing to read more Greek Myths from our class book. We hope that you have enjoyed the stories that you have read over the last two week – there are some more fantastic stories this week too!

Activity 1 Reading

Please see reading below under Activity 1 English


Activity 2 Reading

Please spend 30 minutes reading your next book in Bugclub. Please click below:

Activity 3 Reading

Please see reading below under Activity 3 English


Activity 4 Reading

Please see reading below under Activity 4 English


Activity 5 Reading

Please end the week by going on to Newsround. Choose a story that you would like to read and then write a summary and your own headline to go with the story. Can you include alliteration or a pun in your headline as we did in class? Please click below:

Activity 1 English

Last week, we looked in detail at the story of Daedalus and his son Icarus and how they escaped from the palace tower that King Minos had locked them in. Today, I would like you to rewrite the ending of this story.  Copies of the endings of both versions of the story are below for you to familiarise yourself again with.  Hopefully, you will agree, that the 1st version from the class book is much more interesting and imaginative than the 2nd!


TASK: Rewrite the ending of the story:

  1. You can change how they escaped (if you want to).
  2. You can change the fact that Icarus died (if you want to).
  3. Also, we don’t know what happened to Daedalus!
  4. They were trying to leave Crete. Did they manage it?


Use some of the words and phrases that you have magpied from the story! Also, remember to include fronted adverbials, connectives and other interesting vocabulary!! There are two word mats below the stories to help!


The end of our class book version of the story. Please click on the slideshow to stop it and then click on the next page when you are ready..

Last part of the 2nd version of the story. Please click on the slideshow to stop it and then click on the next page when you are ready.

Activity 2

Today, we want to introduce you to a big hero from Greek myths, a man by the name of Odysseus. Odysseus was on a very long adventure called ‘the Odyssey’.  In the animation below, there is a very quick summary of the Odyssey. There is a lot of information and we are not expecting you to understand it all - it is a bit of fun!!


At the end, the God Zeus has asked if you would create a MISSING PERSON POSTER to try to find Odysseus and his men – you are going to have to make lots of it up! You can choose anywhere that you see on the video as being the last place he was seen! You may want to decorate it/or use the Greek alphabet on your poster too from the sheet below.


Please include the following on your MISSING PERSON POSTER:

What does Odysseus look like?

Where was he last seen?

Who was he with and what did they look like?

How many others?

Who is looking for him?

Is there a reward?


The Odyssey animation

The adventures of Odysseus! Children should be supervised whilst using You Tube.

Challenge: If you would like to, try to draw a flow chart showing where Odysseus went to on his adventure! Don’t worry about spelling the names properly!

Activity 3

Today, we are going to read the start of one of the stories from Odysseus’ epic adventure – you might have spotted it in the animation!


First read pages 84a – 85b. Make predictions about if/how Odysseus and his men escape!


TASK: Complete activity sheet 3 with what we know about Odysseus so far!

Pages 84a - 85b. Please click on the slideshow to stop it and then click on the next page when you are ready.

The activity 3 pdf is below should you wish to print it.

Activity 4

Today, we are going to read the rest of the story (86a and b) and find out what happened to Odysseus and his men on Cyclops’ island!


The task is after the reading.

Pages 86a and b. Please click on the slideshow to stop it and then click the next page when you are ready.

After you have read the end of the story, think about the following questions: Were you surprised by how they escaped? Do you think that it was a clever plan? We will come back to this story again!


Now, we would like you to watch the following two videos to recap on speech marks/inverted commas. Hopefully, you remember it well as we covered it recently in our newspaper reports!

Speech Marks 2

Children should be supervised whilst using You Tube.

Activity 4 Task – Please write a conversation between Odysseus and Cyclops or between Odysseus and his men or between the men and the sheep!! There is an example below. You may continue this conversation or start your own one. Please use alternative words to the word SAID – use the poster below to help you!

The activity 4 pdf is below should you wish to print it.

Activity 5

This week, we have been finding out about Cyclops – one of the Greek creatures. Today, we would like you to create your own creature/monster!

The activity 5 pdf is below should you wish to print these pages.

English Activity answers pdf

Words of the week:

Word 1 – actually

Word 2 – regular

Word 3 – grammar

Word 4 – although

Word 5 - certain


As in previous weeks, please learn how to say the word, spell it several times, find out its definition and write 3 sentences with it in!