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Week commencing 11th May

Activity 1

Warm-up: Times Tables Rock Stars. www.ttrockstars.com/


5 – a – day        Do what you can – ask an adult for help if you get stuck.


       1) 6524 + 2148  =                              2) 6914 – 3254 =


       3) 4 x 7 =                                            4) 24 ÷  6 =


5) “I would solve this puzzle by adding 7 to 23 and dividing that by 3.”



I think of a number, multiply it by 3 and subtract 7. The answer is 23. What is my number?


Will this give me the correct answer?

What do you think?

Convince me!


Let’s continue, today we will look at Whiterose Maths - Week 2 - Lesson 5 – Equivalent Fractions (1). Watch the video and complete the answer booklet. (Link below)



Activity 2

Warm-up: Times Tables Rock Stars. www.ttrockstars.com/


5 – a – day        Do what you can – ask an adult for help if you get stuck.


       1) 5547 + 8865  =                              2) 9005 – 6540 =


       3) 8 x 9 =                                            4) 36 ÷  9 =


5) “I would solve this puzzle by dividing 20 by 5 and adding 10.”



I think of a number, divide it by 5 and add 10. The answer is 20. What is my number?


Will this give me the correct answer?

What do you think?

Convince me!


Let’s continue, today we will look at Whiterose Maths - Week 1 (w/c 20th April) - Lesson 1 – Equivalent Fractions (2). Watch the video and complete the answer booklet. (Link below)




Activity 3

Warm-up: Times Tables Rock Stars. www.ttrockstars.com/


5 – a – day        Do what you can – ask an adult for help if you get stuck.


       1) 6547 + 8521  =                              2) 9854 – 2547 =


       3) 4 x 10 =                                          4) 32 ÷  4 =


5) “½ of a quantity will always be more than 1/3 of a quantity.”


What do you think? Convince Me!


Let’s continue, today we will look at Whiterose Maths - Week 1 (w/c 20th April) - Lesson 2 – Equivalent Fractions (3). Watch the video and complete the answer booklet. (Link below)



Activity 4

Warm-up: Times Tables Rock Stars. www.ttrockstars.com/


5 – a – day        Do what you can – ask an adult for help if you get stuck.


       1) 5883 + 1478  =                              2) 8564 – 4565 =


       3) 3 x 8 =                                            4) 28 ÷  7 =


5) “I explain what is the same about these two fractions and what is different.”


3/6      ½


What do you think? Convince Me!


Let’s continue, today we will look at Whiterose Maths - Week 1 (w/c 20th April) - Lesson 3 – Compare fractions. Watch the video and complete the answer booklet. (Link below)



Activity 5

Warm-up: Times Tables Rock Stars. www.ttrockstars.com/


5 – a – day        Do what you can – ask an adult for help if you get stuck.


       1) 8577 + 3245  =                              2) 9845 – 6547 =


       3) 6 x 9 =                                            4) 40 ÷  5 =


5) Look at the picture below. What do you think? Convince Me! 

Let’s continue, today we will look at Whiterose Maths - Week 1 (w/c 20th April) - Lesson 4 – Order fractions.


Watch the video and complete the answer booklet. (Link below)



Here are some EXT questions if you feel like you fancy a real challenge!