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Week commencing 22nd June

Activity 1

This week we are continuing  to look at minibeasts.

Recap the story about ‘The Very Busy Spider’.

The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle 🕷

Please ensure that children are supervised when using youtube

Write the list of all the animals that talk to the spider. Which one is your  favourite and why?

Activity 2

Design your own minibeasts that can spin a web. Label the different parts. What makes your minibeast special? I look forward to seeing them on tapestry.

Next answer the questions below and make your own minibeast booklet using the template below or make your own one:

PDF if you wish to print

Activity 3

Can you write a sentence about your minibeast? Write a fact card like you did last week. You can use template below as an example or make your own one.

PDF if you wish to print

Activity 4

You can now replace the spider in a story with your creature. Retell the story to an adult using your own character. Next read the following facts about minibeasts:

PDF if you wish to print

Activity 5

Go on a minibeast hunt around your garden or a park. Draw/write all the insects that you spot or use one of the templates below.

PDF if you wish to print

PDF if you wish to print