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Week commencing 18th May

Maths – Statistics Revision


Activity 1

 Five a day

  1. 50 x 60 x 60 =
  2. Draw  an example of a reflex angle
  3. 1% of 70 000
  4. What are the properties of an equilateral triangle?
  5. 45 x 3784=

Example A:

Number of children practising the ‘woah’ dance on TikTok from January 2019-2020.


  1. At which month did the number of people doing the ‘woah’ plateau (meaning, stay the same)

Now make up your own using my example and question as a framework.

Activity 2

 Five a day

  1. How many time does 9 go into 4 104
  2. There are 425 pigs at Shoreditch Farm. The ratio of pink pigs to black pigs is 2:3. How many black pigs are there?
  3. 9 x 15 x 67 =
  4. -67 + 456 =
  5. 0.001 x 1000 =

Activity 3

 Five a day

  1. A train is due to arrive at 08:57 but it is 15 minutes late. What time is it now due to arrive?
  2. The train is now delayed by another hour and 12 minutes. What times is it now due?
  3. How many times does 34 go into 1 156
  4. 909 x 10 x 100
  5. 67cubed

Activity 4

 Five a day

  1. 2 345 + ______ = 17 689
  2. 11 +  6 x 7=
  3. What is 0.005 as a fraction?
  4. What is 0.125 as a fraction in its simplest form?
  5. 34.5 – 0.390 =

Activity 5

 Five a day

  1. A whole birthday cake costs £4.40. How much would it cost to purchase an eighth of the birthday cake?
  2. Write 2 879 387 in words
  3. 6.7 x 5.6 =
  4. 4984 divided by 89
  5. 12.01 x 6 =