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Week commencing 27th April

Our new unit is Greek myths and this is our new class book:

Activity 1 Reading

Please read the story of Pandora’s Box from the bottom of page 10 – page 13. I have cut the ‘in the beginning’ part of the story out as otherwise it is too long. The God Zeus has just made the first woman and named her Pandora. Find out what happens to her. Tell someone in your house about the story.

Pandora's Box -Please click on the slideshow to stop it then you can click on the next page when you are ready!

Activity 2 Reading

Today, please read pages 36a, 37a and 37b of the story of King Midas from our class book. How is the retelling of the first part of this story different in this version to the video that you watched yesterday?

Please click on the slideshow to stop it and then you can click on the next page when you are ready!

Activity 3 Reading

Today, please read the rest of the King Midas story pages 38a, 38b, 39a, 39b, 40a and 40b.

Please click on the slideshow to stop it and then you can click on the next page when you are ready!

Activity 4 Reading

Today, you might want to give yourself a head start on the piece of reading for the English activity 4 – the comprehension: the quest of Perseus. 

1 star=mild/spicy work

2 star=hot work

A printable copy is below the 2 star work should you prefer to print it.




Spend some time reading your next book on Bugclub!

Comprehension 1 star - mild/spicy. Please click on the slideshow to stop it and then click on the next page when you are ready.

Comprehension two star - hot. Please click on the slideshow to stop it and then click on the next page when you are ready!

One star and two star work if you want to print it.

Activity 5 Reading

Please end the week by going on to Newsround. Choose a story that you would like to read and then write a summary and your own headline to go with the story. Can you include alliteration or a pun in your headline as we did in class?

Activity 1 English

You should have just read the story of Pandora’s Box. Talk to someone in your house about the story. Do they know it?  Now, I want you to think about the story and what you have read. Please use what you have read to reflect on the story on the activity 1 worksheet.

Activity 1 word document if you want to print

Activity 2 English

I would like you to watch the following animation about King Midas! It is quite different to the version that you have just started reading! We will look at those differences tomorrow so whilst you’re watching think about some of those similarities and differences!

The story of King Midas

Please ask your parents for permission before you use You Tube. Children should be supervised when on You tube.

We can all learn something from King Midas’ story!!


After you have watched the video, please do the following:

  1. Write down what you think the important lesson in the story is.
  2. Think about how different King Midas was at the end of the story to the beginning!! He was a much nicer person! I want you to write a rule book for living a good life that he might have written now that he’d found out what was important in life! Remember to include adjectives, adverbial phrases, connectives and some exciting vocabulary!!


E.g.          My Rule Book for Living                                                 by King Midas and Lisa

  1. Ensure that you look after this wonderful planet of ours by only using what you need and making sure that you give back more than you take.


Activity 3 English

Today we are going to compare the two different versions of the story of King Midas. What is similar and what is different? Please write at least 5 things that are different and 5 which are the same. Which version do you prefer? Please say why. Also, why do you think that the versions are so different?

Activity 3 word document if you want to print

Activity 4 English

Today, I want you to find out about the quest of Perseus. Please read the comprehension and then answer the questions from 1-9. If you would like to write something for question 10, then please do.

For today: 1 star =  mild/spicy and  2 stars = hot. 


Go to Reading activity 4 above.

Activity 5 English

Today, I would like you to start making your own Greek creatures/monsters fact files! I have included 11 short descriptions of such creatures and 9 pictures. I would like you to read and match the creature to its picture. There will be 2 leftover! Please draw these creatures from the description! If you would like to draw some of the other creatures yourself or do some research on other Greek monsters then please do but use a children’s website when searching online. We will be adding to these fact file as we go through our unit so keep it somewhere safe!

Activity 5 English

Greek character descriptions and illustrations document if you want to print

Words of the week

These words are from the statutory Year 3 and 4 spelling list.

Word 1 - caught

Word 2 - ordinary

Word 3 - particular

Word 4 - knowledge

Word 5 - experience


As we were doing last week, please learn how to say the word, spell it, find out its definition and write 3 sentences with it in!