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Week commencing 13th July

Activity 1

This week is your last full week in Reception before summer holiday. 

Can you draw a picture of something you enjoyed this year. It could be an activity, an area of the class or outside where you enjoyed to play, some of your friends or whatever you liked this year and you will miss it when you go to Year 1.

You can also complete the following pictures.


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Activity 2

Please have a chat with your child about transitioning to year 1. Then start completing the first two pages of a booklet for their new teacher.

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Activity 3

Please complete the booklet for your Year 1 teacher.

Activity 4

Do the following seaside activity. Can you think of other words about the seaside? Can you write them down?


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Activity 5

Have you ever been to the seaside? What did you like? Can you draw your own picture of the seaside and complete the following activity below:


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