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Week commencing 4th May

The Year 4 Book!

This week, we are continuing to read more Greek Myths from our class book. We hope that you enjoyed the stories that you read last week – there are some more fantastic stories this week too!

Activity 1 Reading

Please see reading below under Activity 1 English


Activity 2 Reading

Please see reading below under Activity 2 English


Activity 3 Reading

Please see reading below under Activity 3 English


Activity 4 Reading

Please see reading below under Activity 4 English



Activity 1 English

Today you are going to start to read the story of Daedalus and Icarus. There are 3 characters in the story: King Minos, Daedalus (dad) and Icarus (his son). Please read pages 26a, 26b, 27a and 27b below. Tell someone in your house about the story so far. Do they know the story? THE ACTIVITY IS UNDERNEATH THE READING PAGES.

The beginning of the Daedalus and Icarus Myth! Please click on the slideshow to stop it and then you can click on a page when you're ready.

After you have read the first 4 pages of the story of Daedalus and Icarus, I want you to think about the characters in the story. Please use activity 1 sheet.


Activity 1 pdf should you want to print it.

 Activity 2 English

Today, we are going to continue to read the story of Daedalus and Icarus. Remember that there are only 3 characters in the story: King Minos, Daedalus (dad) and Icarus (his son). Keep in mind your prediction about what you thought would happen next! Please read pages: 28a and 28b.  Again, tell someone in your house about what you have read. As you are reading, think about Icarus and how he was feeling as you will be doing a follow up activity on it.



Please click on the slideshow to stop it and then you can click on a page when you're ready.

Daedalus has just shown Icarus his ‘wings’ invention and then they have just stuck the wings on to their shoulders so that they can fly away.


Activity:  I want you now to imagine that before anything else happens, Icarus sits down and writes his diary account for the day. Make sure that you write in paragraphs using the following themes in each paragraph.


Paragraph 1: Tell your diary about what you did yesterday (before your dad showed you the wings) e.g. watched the birds, talked to your dad, made up a game using some stones etc…Note: there was no electricity so no X-boxes etc!!!


Paragraph 2: Tell your diary that your dad woke you up early to show you the wings, how long they took him to make and how he managed it etc…


Paragraph 3: Tell your diary how you feel at this moment in time. You are just about to try to fly away! Is it a good idea? Do you think that it is safe? Are you excited or scared or maybe both?!


Below, are some sentence starters that you might like to use:


Dear Diary,

(P1) Yesterday, I had another boring day trapped in our palace prison!!...


(P2) This morning, just around an hour ago, my dad woke me up with some really incredible news!...


(P3) We are going to be flying in about half an hour!! Dad wants to go early so that we have less chance of being seen…

Activity 2 pdf should you wish to print it.

Activity 3 English

We hope that you have enjoyed the story of Daedalus and Icarus so far!! Today, you will be reading to the end of the story! How do you think that it will end? Make your predictions before you read on!! Please read pages: 29b, 30a, 30b, 31a and 31b.



Please read the end of the story! Please click on the slideshow to stop it and then you can click on a page when you're ready.

Thinking about the final part of the Daedalus and Icarus story, please look at the sheet below to think more about the story as well as about Icarus.

Activity 3 pdf should you want to print it out.

Activity 4 English

Today, please read the alternative, simpler version on the story of Daedalus and Icarus. In the activity, you will be looking at the similarities and differences between this retelling and the one from our class book. Keep this in mind as you’re reading. THE ACTIVITY IS UNDERNEATH THE READING.

The 2nd version of the story about Daedalus and Icarus.

Please look at the worksheet below to look at the similarities and differences between the two in more detail.

Activity 4 pdf should you wish to print it.

Words of the week

Word 1 - probably

Word 2 - strange

Word 3 - surprise

Word 4 - experiment



As we were doing last week, please learn how to say the word, spell it several times, find out its definition and write 3 sentences with it in!