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Week commencing 1st June

Activity 1

Write number sequences (between 1 and 20) on lolly pop sticks or pieces of paper and remember to leave some blanks in between. Next, you write the missing numbers on a bunch of clothes pegs and give them out to your child to put the right number peg in the correct blank spot. These resources will be ready to be used as many times as you like.


Activity 2

Use a large piece of paper for your child to draw the outline of their hands like Christopher has done below. Then, ask them to count the number of fingers and to write the numbers. You can extend this activity by adding feet (for numbers to go up to 20) and painting the nails like they did last week. 

Christopher only has 8 fingers!


Activity 3

For today’s challenge, you will need five cups (preferably plastic; Christopher only has glass in his kitchen) that are the same and a jug or bottle of water (preferably plastic) for your child to pour.

For this activity, encourage your child to use vocabulary to describe how much a container holds, such as half full, empty, full, nearly full, nearly empty.

Ask them questions to get them thinking:

Can you make one cup empty?

Can you find the full cup?

Which cup has the most in it?

Can you make one cup nearly full?

Can you make one cup nearly empty?

Can you order all the cups from empty to full?

Can you order the cups from full to empty?

Can you find the cup that is half full?

What would happen if we had two cups that were full and pored them into the same cup?

Activity 4

Fill two shopping bags, one with many small items and the other with one or two larger empty or light boxes. Do not tell your child that the boxes are empty. Show your child the two bags and ask them to look inside without touching. Ask your child to predict which bag they think will be the heaviest and why. Allow your child to pick up the two shopping bags and ask them to show which bag is heaviest by moving their arms like weighing scales (just like Christopher is doing). Repeat this activity using a different combination of items. 

Try asking questions like:

Why have you made that prediction? 

Are large things always heavy? Are small things always light? 

Can you think of an example of a small heavy object? 

Can you show me which one is heaviest using your body? 

Ask your child to fill shopping bags by themselves for you to predict which one is the heaviest or lightest. Take other household items and make predictions about their weights using your hands. 


Activity 5

Use toothpicks and playdough (remember how much I like to make playdough every week to develop fine motor skills) to create 2D shapes.