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Week commencing 18th May

Reading Activity 1

 Read a book of your choice (try Bugclub) and tell   someone  about what you have read.



Reading Activity 2

 Read a book of your choice (try Bugclub) and tell   someone  about what you have read.   www.activelearnprimary.co.uk



Reading Activity 3

 Read a book of your choice (try Bugclub) and tell   someone  about what you have read.   www.activelearnprimary.co.uk

Make a list of any words you didn’t know and had to look up.


Reading Activity 4

 Read a book of your choice (try Bugclub) and tell   someone about what you have read.   www.activelearnprimary.co.uk


Make a list of any words you didn’t know and had to look up.


Reading Activity 5

Read a book of your choice (try Bugclub) and tell someone about what you have read.


 Write a book review telling the teacher why he should   read  the book. Think about:

  • Why you liked it. What were the exciting parts, the sad parts etc. 
  • What surprised you about the story.
  • Do you have a favourite character?
  • Any words that you liked the use of?


Word of the Week

word 1: strange

word 2: strength

word 3: suppose

word 4: surprise

word 5: possible


Activity 1

Today we will continue with Wolf Brother but first, here is a quick warm up to get you thinking.

Watch this video to refresh your memory then fill in the sheet.

Possessive Pronouns Song

(Please get permission from an adult and be supervised whilst on YouTube.)

Documents below for the above activity.

Listen to chapter 4.of Wolf Brother, you can follow the story as it is being read with the pages of the book below.


This chapter is full of descriptive language. The author uses adjectives to paint an amazing detailed picture for the reader.


Wolf Brother - Chapter 4

You may have noticed there are not many pictures in the book.


We have been asked to help with this by drawing a picture for one of the pages in this chapter.


Use the detailed description the writer gives to  help draw your picture.

Wolf Brother Part 5 (Chapter 4)

(Please get permission from an adult and be supervised whilst on YouTube.)

Please click on the slide show to pause it while you are reading.

Activity 2

Today we will continue with Wolf Brother but first, here is a quick warm up to get you thinking.

Watch this video to refresh your memory, then fill in the sheet.



When to Use the Present Perfect Tense

(Please get permission from an adult and be supervised whilst on YouTube.)

Documents below for the above activity.

Listen to chapter 5 of Wolf Brother, you can follow the story as it is being read with the pages of the book below.


Chapter 5.

Wolf Brother Part 6 (Chapter 5)

(Please get permission from an adult and be supervised whilst on YouTube.)

Please click on the slide show to pause it while you are reading.

Chapter 5 of Wolf Brother is full of descriptions of Torak’s wolf friend.


Using the structure of the poem below can you use similes and metaphors to help create your own wolf poem?


Look at these pictures.

Now read the poem by Pie Corbett


Recipe to make a wolf

the rushing of a storm cloud,
the growl of a dog in a corner
and the song of a whale adrift
for her voice.


the shrug of drifting mist,
a bonfire’s smoke swirling
and an old man’s beard
for her coat.


the strength of an elephant’s tusk,
the jagged tip of a rat’s bite
and a slice of slate
for her teeth.


the speed of a squirrel’s dash,
the softness of a dove’s feathers
and the fire’s fine ash
for her eyes.


the stab from a heron’s beak,
the flick of a dolphin’s tail
and the strength of cement
for her claws.


The author uses abstract images to make up a recipe to create a wolf. Use this structure to make your own Recipe to make a wolf!

Activity 3

Today we will continue with Wolf Brother but first, here is a quick warm up to get you thinking.


Watch this video to refresh your memory then fill in the sheet.

What is a subordinate clause?

(Please get permission from an adult and be supervised whilst on YouTube.)

Documents below for the above activity.

Listen to chapter 6 of Wolf Brother, you can follow the story as it is being read with the pages of the book below.


Chapter 6.

Wolf Brother Part 7 (Chapter 6)

(Please get permission from an adult and be supervised whilst on YouTube.)

Please click on the slide show to pause it while you are reading.

Wolf Brother has some amazing examples of ‘show don’t tell’

Complete the work sheet on ‘show don’t tell’ below.



Which emotion does each sentence describe?

Copy the sentence and the answer.


  1. Her eyes filled with tears.
  2. She slammed the door shut.
  3. He was grinning from ear to ear.
  4. I would curl up with Stella on my bunk, bury my head in her neck and hold her tight.
  5. My stomach was doing somersaults.
  6. Giggle and screams echoed around the arena.


Draw a mind map to describe feeling scared using the 5 senses. What does it look like, feel like, sound like, taste like, smell like?


Write 2-3 sentences to show, not tell the following sentences.


  1. The man was nervous to give his speech.
  2. The cat was lazy.
  3. The children were excited to go on the rollercoaster.
  4. Rose was angry at her mum.
  5. Larry was jealous because his best friend just won the lottery.
  6. Sally was very upset when she lost the game.

Activity 4

Today we will continue with Wolf Brother but first, here is a quick warm up to get you thinking.


Documents below for the above activity.

Listen to chapter 7 of Wolf Brother, you can follow the story as it is being read with the pages of the book below.


Chapter 7.

Wolf Brother Part 8 (Chapter 7)

(Please get permission from an adult and be supervised whilst on YouTube.)

Please click on the slide show to pause it while you are reading.

This is a very exciting chapter!

Today we are going to write a detailed recount of this chapter.


You need to tell the story but in your own words. It’s as if you are telling the story to someone who hasn’t read it.


You should include:


  • At least one detailed setting description.
  • At least one detailed character description.
  • Dialogue (direct speech).
  • Correct punctuation.
  • Paragraphs.

Once you have written your recount:


  • Evaluate your work.
  • Make changes and corrections.

Activity 5

Today we will continue with Wolf Brother but first, here is a quick warm up to get you thinking.


Watch this video to refresh your memory then fill in the sheet.

Irregular Comparatives

(Please get permission from an adult and be supervised whilst on YouTube.)

Documents below for the above activity.

Listen to chapter 8 of Wolf Brother, you can follow the story as it is being read with the pages of the book below.


Chapter 8

Wolf Brother Part 9 (Chapter 8)

(Please get permission from an adult and be supervised whilst on YouTube.)

Please click on the slide show to pause it while you are reading.

Wow another very exciting chapter!


So we have now read 8 chapters.

Can you write a brief summary of what has happened so far, from the beginning of the book till now?


Remember to leave out the details and just include the bare bones of the story.