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Week commencing 27th April

Activity 1

Hello everybody!


Here are some suggested activities to support learning and play.


Please upload any daily activity on to Tapestry so I can see your wonderful learning.


Today I would like you to learn about the life cycle of a butterfly. Read the pictures below and discuss any new vocabulary. 

If you would like to look at these pictures on a Powerpoint you can download it on the link below

Activity 2

Today I would like you to have a go at making your own life cycle of a butterfly. You can print out this version below or draw your own pictures and then stick them in the right order. I hope you have fun I would love to see these up on Tapestry.



If you would like to print this you can download it on the link below.

Activity 3

Make your own caterpillar!

Here are a couple of pictures with ideas for you. Remember to share your lovely work on tapestry.

Activity 4

Make your own playdough. Maybe you could then make a caterpillar! Put it up on Taspestry so I can see.


Here is a simple recipe:


You will need

  • 8 tablespoons plain flour
  • 2 tablespoons table salt
  • 60ml warm water
  • food colouring
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 


1. Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl. In a separate bowl mix together the water, a few drops of food colouring and the oil.

2. Pour the coloured water into the flour mix and bring together with a spoon.

3. Dust a work surface with a little flour and turn out the dough. Knead together for a few minutes to form a smooth, pliable dough. If you want a more intense colour you can work in a few extra drops of food colouring.

4. Store in a plastic sandwich bag (squeeze out the air) in the fridge to keep it fresh. You can make a batch of colours and give away as kids’ party bag favours or hold a playdough party for your child’s next birthday. 

Activity 5

Make a band!

You will  need:

  • pots, pans, wooden spoons
  • old food containers with tops
  • rice, pasta or anything else you want to rattle!


What to do:

  • Clean the containers and decorate the outside of them.  Fill them half full with rice or pasta. Put the lid back on and sellotape it shut securely. You now have your rattle!
  • Create drums using upturned pots, pans and wooden spoons.
  • Sing nursery rhymes and songs. Rattle and drum the rhythm.
  • Talk about the words of the song.
  • Record your performance and upload it to tapestry so I can see it!