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Week commencing 27th April

This week we are going to be revising algebra

Please refresh your memory using the site below:

Maths Activity 1


Five a day

  1. 78 x67=
  2. Three quarters of 44 000 000
  3. 1       2     4    8   16    32     what are the next  4 numbers in the sequence?
  4. O.125 as a percentage is……….
  5. What is the square root of 81? 


Algebra 1

Maths Activity 2


Five a day

  1. 40% of 600
  2. 47% of 600
  3. 9 x 9 x 22 =
  4. 3640 divided by 56 =
  5. If 17 degrees is an acute angle. What type of angle is 312 degress?


Algebra 2

Maths Activity 3


Five a day

  1. 0.34 x 12 =
  2. 40     20      60   30   90  What are the next 3 numbers in the sequence?
  3. Draw an irregular pentagon
  4. Sue thinks of a number, she times it by 2 then divides it by 8 to get the answer of 3. What number did she start with?
  5. 12 + 9 x 3 =


Algebra 3

Maths Activity 4


Five a day

  1. 15 lots of 44
  2. 6 874 004 – 9 8745 =
  3. Half of 3267
  4. Cubed root of 27
  5. Put this sequence in order of biggest to smallest:

0.01   11%  1.01   10.1   0.1  2%


Algebra 4

Maths Activity 5


Five a day
1.    Two fifths of 75
2.    0.9 x 100 =
3.    -8 + 17 =
4.    0.125 as a fraction
5.    If the area of a square is 1600m squared what is the width of the square?


Algebra 5