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Week commencing 18th May

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Activity 1

Read a book of your choice. You can read a book on Bugclub.


Activity 2

Read a book of your choice. You can read a book on Bugclub.


Activity 3

Read a book of your choice. You can read a book on Bugclub.


Activity 4

Read a book of your choice. You can read a book on Bugclub.


Activity 5

Read a book of your choice. You can read a book on Bugclub.  



Activity 1


Let's have a look at verbs

Use what you have learned to complete the worksheet below

Click below to print your own copy.

Activity 2


Click pause to stop the slideshow

Use what you have learned to complete the worksheet

Click below to print your own copy.

Activity 3

Look at this page from the Pirate Cruncher. The first paragraph talks about the pirates and Captain Purplebeard boarding the ship. I would like you to make the paragraph much more exciting by adding verbs and adverbs to describe what you see.  

This is a close up of the first paragraph

Use the image to help you write a paragraph

Activity 4

Adding prefixes to root words

Add the correct prefix

Click below to print your own copy.
Activity 5
Have a book carefully at the image below, then answer the questions. Remember to write in full sentences with the correct punctuation. 

Word of the day


Day 1



Day 2



Day 3



Day 4 



Day 5



Activity 1


1) ran

2) danced

3) read

4) hopped

5) Shone

6) eat

7) swim

Activity 2

Activity 4