'Reaching higher than I dreamed, becoming the person that I want to be, doing the best that I can for the world and me.'
Mathematics teaching and philosophy
Philosophy and Aims- All children can and will achieve
We want our children to receive a high-quality mathematics education that ensures that ALL pupils are fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, have the ability to reason mathematically and can apply their knowledge and understanding to solve problems which will set them up for life. We also want them to have an appreciation of the power of mathematics and a sense of fun and curiosity about the subject.
We are fortunate to have a maths specialist leader who is part of the NCTEM's Teaching for Mastery programme. This enables us to share our expertise with other schools and learn from them too.
A Mastery Curriculum for new National Curriculum Mathematics
We use 'Maths No Problem' which is a text book based programme, aimed to deepen understanding rather than accelerate teaching with no limits to learning.
This is a textbook approved by the DfE and NCETM, and is a sustained and consistent scheme with a carefully designed spiral progression and an emphasis on a concrete- pictorial-abstract approach.
We are committed to closing the attainment gap and ensuring that no child is left behind. As such our expectation is that the large majority of pupils will progress ‘through the programmes of study at broadly the same pace.’
What to expect to see in a maths lesson
A narrow focus; with depth, variation and precise questioning and dialogue with pupils to assess conceptual and procedural knowledge
Less direct whole class teaching and more of an emphasis on independent exploration and guided practice
Children working independently at times either using manipulatives or working through text books and practice books that are designed to build speed and fluency and to deepen their understanding with carefully designed procedural variations and problem solving challenges
More able children being challenged with complex, in-depth problem solving and investigative tasks encouraging them to think harder.
Teachers and TAs targeting any children who requires more support, both during the lesson and in Rapid Intervention sessions held as soon as possible after the lesson.
Children’s work will be marked in lessons where possible with adult support to correct misconceptions and next steps given to deepen and extend learning. Children are also encouraged to take ownership of the marking process and to self assess the next steps in their learning
What to expect to see in maths exercise books and practice books
High presentation expectations
Clear evidence of progression and differentiation- more able children doing additional more challenging tasks
Where children have received additional adult support or rapid Interventions this will also be clearly indicated.
Clear evidence of curriculum coverage - Child friendly targets (linked to National Curriculum expectations) are found at the back of each book.
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