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Activity 1

Look at the photos below to see what I would like you to do for RE today

Listen to Joe Wicks read Love Monster and the Perfect Present by clicking on the link below the picture.

Activity 2

Week 2:  Who helps you when you are lost?  Can God help you when you are lost?


This week we will be reading the parable ‘The Lost Sheep’ – Luke 15 v1-8.


Parables are stories told by Jesus. Jesus used stories as a way of teaching us. Remember many stories that we enjoy have messages in them that we can learn from.


Read the story of ‘The Lost Sheep’ or watch the video of the story.


The Lost Sheep – Luke 15 v1-8

*Click on the slideshow to stop it.

The Lost sheep – Luke 15 v1-8 (retold through animation)

*Children should be supervised when they are on YouTube.

Parable of the Lost Sheep

Have a go at retelling the story through role play or by talking about it with someone at home.


Now answer the questions on the sheet below.

Draw a picture of something you have lost.


Draw a picture or write about how you felt when you found it.

What did you learn from the parable

The Lost Sheep Luke 15 v1-8?

Activity 3

Why is it important to listen?

Why is it important to believers to listen to God?


This week we are going to listen to the ‘The Parable of The Sower’ (Matthew 13: 1-24)


A Sower is a farmer who plants seeds.


In this story some seeds are lucky and grow big and strong but some seeds find it impossible to grow.


Listen to the story and think about why some of the seeds found it impossible to grow. What do seeds need to grow big and strong?


Read the parable below or watch the animation retell.

*click on the slideshow to pause it

Parable of the Sower Animation

*children must always be supervised when they're on YouTube

Jesus told ‘The Parable of The Sower’ (Matthew 13: 1-24) so that his followers could learn from it.


Jesus wanted his followers to understand:


The seeds that fell on the path are like people who hear God’s word but ignore it.


The seeds that fell on rocky places, are like people who hear God’s word but do not treasure it deep in their heart and so it quickly disappears and they go their own way.


The seeds that fell amongst the thorns are like people who hear God’s word but the worries of this world take over.


The seeds that fell on good soil are like people who hear God’s word and understand it and live according to it.  They bear much fruit.

Activity 4

What makes someone a good friend?

What is Jesus’ understanding of friendship?


This week we are going to listen to the parable The Good Samaritan’ (Luke 10: 25 -37)


A Samaritan is someone who is there for another person when they need support.


Read the parable or watch an animated version of the parable.

*Click on the slideshow to pause it.

The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

*Children should always be supervised when they are on YouTube

  • Can you think of a time when someone has stopped to help you?  How did it make you feel?


  • Can you think of a time when you have helped someone?  How did it make you feel?



  • When someone helps you, what is it important to do?  


  • How do people say thank you to God for the things he has done for them?

For your RE activity today I would like you to think of a time when somebody was a good Samaritan to you. Make them a beautiful ‘Thank You’ card with a special message inside.

Many people have made beautiful cards and posters to show their support to the NHS. The NHS and frontline workers are fantastic examples of good samaritans, they are always here to help those who are in need.


If this card is for a friend at school you could save it and give it to them when we are all reunited. This will definitely put a smile on their face.


Make sure you share your 'Thank You' cards on the school blog laugh


We are going to start our new RE topic.

Our big question for the term is ‘What is it like to live as a Jew?’


Activity 5

Why are these objects special?’


Have a look at the images below. Think about what these objects may be used for and why they may be important. Write down your thoughts and post them on the school blog.

*Click on the slideshow to pause it.

Your next task is to draw a symbol that is special to you and your family.

What does your symbol represent?


Take a picture of your symbol and post it on to the blog.


Here are some examples of symbols. Can you recognise any of them? What do they mean?