Reading Activity 1
Read a book of your choice (try Bugclub) and tell someone about what you have read.
Reading Activity 2
Read a book of your choice (try Bugclub) and tell someone about what you have read.
Reading Activity 3
Read a book of your choice (try Bugclub) and tell someone about what you have read.
Make a list of any words you didn’t know and had to look up.
Reading Activity 4
Read a book of your choice (try Bugclub) and tell someone about what you have read.
Make a list of any words you didn’t know and had to look up.
Reading Activity 5
Read a book of your choice (try Bugclub) and tell someone about what you have read.
Write a book review telling the teacher why he should read the book. Think about:
word 1: remember
word 2: reign
word 3: sentence
word 4: special
word 5: straight
Activity 1
Today we will continue with The Stone Age Boy but first, here is a quick warm up to get you thinking.
Watch the video to refresh your memory then fill in the sheet.
(Please get permission from an adult and be supervised whilst on YouTube.)
Today we are going to write a detailed recount of The Stone Age Boy.
You need to tell the story but in your own words. It’s as if you are telling the story to someone who hasn’t read it.
Use all the work you did over the last week to help you write your recount.
You can recap the story by clicking the link below and listen to the story being read.
(Please get permission from an adult and be supervised whilst on YouTube.)
You should include:
Once you have written your recount:
Activity 2
Today we will start a new book but first, here is a starter to get our brains working.
Watch the video to refresh your memory, then fill in the sheet.
(Please get permission from an adult and be supervised whilst on YouTube.)
Today we start with a new book called ‘Wolf Brother’
I have included screen shots of Wolf Brother from Chapter 1 – Chapter 3 at the end of the weeks work (right at the bottom of the page).
I read this book and loved it, it’s a really exciting story.
Listen to the first part of 1st Chapter on the audio book using the link below.
While you are listening, answer the following questions:
What do you think will happen in the rest of Chapter 1? Write a short prediction of what could happen next.
(Please get permission from an adult and be supervised whilst on YouTube.)
Activity 3
Let’s start with this recap of prefixes.
Read and fill in the sheet below.Listen to the last part of Chapter 1 via the link below and answer the questions
(Please get permission from an adult and be supervised whilst on YouTube.
Answer the following questions:
Can you draw a detailed picture of Torak?
Think about all the information the author has given us so far.
Think about what he would be wearing?
What is he carrying?
Any wounds he has?
His facial expression to help show how he is feeling.
Once you have drawn your picture, label it to show what everything is.
Activity 4
Let’s start thinking about word families.
Read and fill in the sheet below.
Listen to Chapter 2 on the link below
(Please get permission from an adult and be supervised whilst on YouTube.
Look at the pictures and nouns below.
Can you match the noun to the picture and then write down the definition of the word?
You can use google or a dictionary to find the definition.
(You can draw a little sketch if you can’t print the pictures)
Noun |
Picture |
Definition |
Boar |
A tusked wild pig from which domestic pigs are descended, exterminated in Britain in the 17th century.
moor - bracken - sap (pine blood) – ochre - spruce – bog – elk – sapling - boar |
Activity 5
Let’s recap apostrophe for possession.
Watch the video to help refresh your memory.
(Please get permission from an adult and be supervised whilst on YouTube.)
Chapter 3
Listen to the story via the link below.
(Please get permission from an adult and be supervised whilst on YouTube.)
The forest is described as ‘full of eyes’, what do you think this means?
Why do you think Torak now felt differently about being away from the clans and longed for people?
When the children from the clan were teasing Torak 5 summers ago, what reason did they give for Fa leaving the clan?
What do you think Fast West is and why?
What is different about the beginning of the 3rd chapter compared with the beginning of the book?
Why was Torak cross with himself for not killing the cub?
Now can you write a summary of what’s happened so far?
It should be about half a page in your literacy book.
Make sure to include all the key events.
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