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Week commencing 15th June

Activity 1

Watch Reception Lesson 21

Lesson 21 - Reception

Please make sure that children are supervised when using youtube

Play a snap or a memory game with these tricky words. You can print them out or make your own ones.

Activity 2

Watch Reception Lesson 22

Lesson 22 - Reception

Please make sure that children are supervised when using youtube

Next do the following activity. You can point instead of drawing.

Activity 3

Watch Reception Lesson 23

Lesson 23 - Reception

Please make sure that children are supervised when using youtube

Next sound out and blend the words below. Can you also write a sentence with some of them?

Activity 4

Watch Reception Lesson 24

Lesson 24 - Reception

Please make sure that children are supervised when using youtube

Next match the captions with the pictures.

Activity 5

Watch Reception Lesson 25

Lesson 25 - Reception

Please make sure that children are supervised when using youtube

Next practise your tricky words. How many do you know this week? Can you write a few sentences with some of them?