Activity 1
Watch me reading the book ‘Ten Little Ladybirds’. After the story, you may want to use ten small objects like buttons or Lego pieces and take one away at a time just like in the story to count all the way down from 10 to 1. Click here to watch the video:
Activity 2
Today is your turn to make up a story like the one I read yesterday. Use ten small objects like buttons, pasta shapes or Lego pieces and take one away at a time just like in the story to count all the way down from 10 to 1. Encourage your child to use their imagination and to think of different animals taking away every time.
Activity 3
Print the cards below to support your child counting and writing numbers up to 10. Encourage them to use their fingers to touch each picture as they count.
Activity 4 |
Activity 5 Let your child explore the pictures below to see how many different 2D shapes they can find out. |
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