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Week commencing 1st June

This week we will be working on mass.

As well as the maths activities below I would also like you to go onto Numbots daily.

Activity 1

Watch the YouTube video below about ‘mass’ then answer the questions below.

*Children must be supervised at all times when they’re on YouTube.

Year 1 Mass and Weight

This video aims to teach Year 1 children about mass. It allows children to identify objects which are heavy and objects which are light.

Activity 2

Today we are working on ‘Finding mass of things’. Have a look at the ‘Let’s Learn!’ then answer the questions after.

Activity 3

Today we will be working on ‘Finding mass in units’. Have a look at the ‘Let’s Learn!’ then answer the question after.

Activity 4

Put on your thinking cap and have a go at these mass challenges.

Activity 5

Let’s finish the week of mass work with a problem to solve and a maths journal.