Activity 1
Have 1 to 20 cards ready. Put them in order from 1 to 20 in front of your child. Turn 5 cards round. Ask your child to say what number is missing. Reveal to check. Repeat with 5 new numbers. Turn round one card, and ask your child to write the missing number on a piece of paper. Turn the card round to check. Discuss how the number is written. Repeat turning round different numbers.
Next on a plain piece of paper practise writing numbers 1 to 20 or 1 to 100 if you can.
Activity 2
Shuffle a set of set of 10 - 20 cards and place them in a box. Slide one of them slowly up to reveal part of the number. Ask your child to tell you and then write on a piece of paper what they think the number might be. Reveal the number to check, and discuss how it is written. Repeat with other numbers from 10 to 20.
Next match the numbers with quantities.
Activity 3
Shuffle a set of two-digit number cards from 11 to 20. Show one to your child and ask them to say what the number it is. Next ask your child to find this number on the hundred square. Discuss the numbers on this row, what is the same about them and what is different. Repeat with different two-digit numbers.
Next do the following activity:
Activity 4
Use the 100 square to support counting to 100, pointing at the numbers as you go. Next cover all the multiples of 10 on the 1-100 grid. Then use the grid to support counting to 100 again with your child using their fingers to match the units. Emphasise numbers ending in 0 and 5.
Next do the following activity. Use small objects or toys e.g. raisins or lego pieces to help your child find the answers.
Activity 5
Cover a multiple of 10 on the 1-100 grid. Ask your child to write on a piece of paper the number they think is hidden. Together say the numbers from start of row to missing number. Then reveal to check which number is missing. Repeat with other multiples of 10, then other 2-digit numbers. When chn have written the missing number on their piece of paper, count together along the row pointing out how they all begin with the same digit.
Next do the following activity:
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