Activity 1
We are working on length today. We will compare the length of two things by using the terms ‘tall/taller’, ‘long/longer’, ‘short/shorter’ and ‘high/higher’.
Take a look at how I've compared objects from around my house.
Go around your house and compare the lengths of two different objects. Don’t forget to use the terms ‘tall/taller’, ‘long/longer’, ‘short/shorter’ and ‘high/higher’.
Take some pictures and post them on the blog to show me your fantastic comparing skills.
Activity 2
Complete the activity below by talking to somebody or by writing sentences.
Activity 3
Complete the sheets below about comparing.
Activity 4
Today I would like you compare more things using the terms ‘tallest’ and ‘shortest’.
I have compared Robo, Pump and Squidy.
Have a look at the 'Let’s Learn' activity below to learn more about comparing more things.
Activity 5
Complete the sheets below about comparing more things.
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