Activity 1 Maths
We are beginning a new unit on time. We will be investigating how long a second, minute and hour is as well as learning to tell the time and solving time problems. Some of you may already be able to tell the time so you will be able to concentrate on the 24 hour clock and time problems.
Main Activity 1 Maths
Watch this video clip:
After you have watched the video, please answer the following questions/do the following challenges:
1. What can you do in 1 second? Name at least 4 things.
2. Other than elephants, are they any other animals that could be used which take as long to say? Could I use cats for example?
3. Using: 'one elephant', 'two elephants' etc, do at least 5 different activities and count the number of seconds that they take to do. Please make each of them less than 60 seconds!
E.g. It takes me 10 seconds to do 10 star jumps.
It takes 37 seconds for me to walk 8 times from my kitchen to my room.
Have a go at these. Please try to convert the following into seconds:
Activity 2 Maths
Main Activity 2 Maths
Watch this video clip:
After you have watched the video, please answer the following questions/do the following challenges:
1. Ask someone to time you whilst you estimate 1 minute by counting up to ’60 elephants’. How close were you? Try is again later in the session and see if you are closer the second time!!
2. Ask someone in your house to help you to find your pulse. Use a timer to work out how many times your pulse beats in 1 minute. Now, jump up and down for 1 minute and then count your heart beats again! How did it change? Why?
3. Think about some time-related phrases that get used such as: just a second, in a minute, it took hours etc. Are these always accurately used? Can you explain what people mean?
4. Like Sabrina in the video, imagine that you are entering a competition to see how many words it was possible to recite/sing/rap in one minute! Get a timer or a clock with a second hand and take up the challenge!!
Have a go. Please try to convert the following into minutes:
Activity 3 Maths
Main Activity 3 Maths
Time and Calendars
5. Have a go at these questions. They get harder! Do column addition or use other methods to solve these!!
a. How many hours are in 2 days?______________
b. How many hours are in 3 days?______________
c. How many months are in 4 years?_____________
d. How many months are in 10 years?____________
e. How many days are in 2 years?______________
f. How many days are in 4 years?_____________
g. How many days are in 10 years?____________
How old are you? _________years, _________months, _______days, (____hours)?
Can you convert that in to days? Ignore the hours if you did that bit!
I.e. How old are you in days? Don’t forget to check how many days the months have that you need to count on from your birthday!!
Maths Activity 4
Main Maths Activity
For the rest of the week, we are going to be looking at telling the time. You will all be at very different stages with this which makes it a bit tricky!! Some of you might be able to tell the time to 1 minute, in digital and using the 24 hour clock, whereas some of you might be just starting! The handy thing is that our parents and older siblings will be able to help!
After you have completed the game that you have chosen, please write a time diary for yourself and ensure that they match the clock. See the websites below to help you to put your clock hands in the correct position. If you can write the time in digital, then please do that too.
E.g. 1. At ten minutes past 8, I get up and have my shower.
Maths Activity 5
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