Maths Activity 1
Please do at least 10 minutes practice on Times Tables Rock stars. Click the link below!5 A Day! Use a 12 x 12 times table grid if you need to!
Look at the flipchart and try to answer the questions it is asking you!
Once you have been through the slideshow, If you are confident with digital time then please do the 3 activities below. If you are not, try and do some extra practice on analogue time (that we did last week) or on digital time with someone in your house!
Maths Activity 2
Please do at least 10 minutes practice on Times Tables Rock stars. Please click the link below.5 A Day! Use a 12 x 12 times table grid if you need to!
Please rewatch the slideshow from Activity 1 about digital time. Then continue to practise analogue and digital time with your family. After that, have a go at the following activity-please complete a diary account filling in the analogue and digital times on the clocks. You could use one of the interactive clocks on the websites below to check that you are drawing the hands on the clocks correctly.
Maths Activity 3
Please do at least 10 minutes practice on Times Tables Rock stars. Click the link below.
5 A Day! Use a 12 x 12 times table grid if you need to!
Up to now, we have only been learning what is called the 12 hour clock! This means that every time comes around twice in a day, like 2 o’clock! We then use ‘am’ if it is before 12 lunchtime and ‘pm’ when it is after 12 at lunchtime! The 24 hour clock means that each time only comes around once a day so we don’t have to use ‘am’ or ‘pm’! Watch the slideshow to see if you can get the hang of it! The help sheet should help too!!
Maths Activity 4
Please do at least 10 minutes practice on Times Tables Rock stars. Click the link below.
5 A Day! Use a 12 x 12 times table grid if you need to!
Today, we are going to be solving some time word problems! First of all, watch the slideshow to recap how to solve a few different problems.
MILD=at least 3 questions, SPICY = at least 5 questions and HOT = at least 7 questions. SHOW YOUR WORKING OUT!
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