Reading Activity 1
Read a book of your choice (try Bugclub) and tell someone about what you have read.
Reading Activity 2
Read a book of your choice (try Bugclub) and tell someone about what you have read.
Reading Activity 3
Read a book of your choice (try Bugclub) and tell someone about what you have read.
Make a list of any words you didn’t know and had to look up.
Reading Activity 4
Read a book of your choice (try Bugclub) and tell someone about what you have read.
Word of the Week
Word 1: expedition
Word 2: assign
Word 3: temperature
Word 4: desperate
English Activity 1
Last week you wrote an advert asking for volunteers to join William Shackleton on his big adventure to the Antarctic.
In real life, many men answered Shackleton’s call and applied to travel with him on his journey. Frank Worsley applied because of a very unusual reason. He dreamt one night that Burlington Street in London was full of ice blocks and he was sailing a ship along it. When he went to the street the next morning, he saw the advert for Shackleton’s expedition to the Antarctic and immediately signed up as the ship’s captain.
Writing challenge:
I would like you to write about an unusual or magical dream that you have had. Were you transported to another world? Could you do amazing things? Did the dream come true?
English Activity 2
There were 69 dogs on board the Endurance. The dogs played a vital role in Shackleton’s expedition. Their ability to pull more than their weight, brave the cold and work in packs meant they were the perfect choice of animal to work with the men in the Antarctic. They were expected to walk 20 miles a day pulling a heavy sledge filled up with expedition equipment and food.
Since there was no professional dog trainer on the expedition, each dog was assigned to a member of the ship’s crew who gave their dog a name.
expedition 1) a journey for a particular purpose, e.g. a scientific study
2) a group of people traveling for exploration or adventure.
assign 1) to give something out as a job or responsibility.
Look at the pictures of the dogs and decide which one you would adopt and look after. Write about your choice by finishing the sentence starters below.
My dog's name is...
Their special trick is...
My dog will be great on the expedition because...
Extra writing challenge:
Write a paragraph about an animal that you think should definitely not come on an expedition to the freezing cold Antarctic (Give 3 reasons why).
FUN FACT: There was one cat on board the ship that the sailors called ‘Mrs Chippy’. One month into the journey, it was discovered that ‘Mrs Chippy’ was a boy cat!
English Activity 3
The William Shackleton Story
Watch the National Geographic film about the experience of William Shackleton and his crew onboard the ship Endurance.
Watch the first 15 minutes of this 26 minutes long film.
1) Make notes about:
2) Write a paragraph about the part of the story you found to be the most interesting and explain why in full sentences.
English Activity 4
Pretend that you are a crew member onboard The Endurance ship. Write a diary entry about one of the following experiences:
If you want to refresh your memory watch the National Geographic film about the experience of William Shackleton again.
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